Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Life Inc. is developing a new project. Three of the European Life Inc. branches (Life Inc. Belgium, Life Inc. Spain & Life Inc. Germany) are working on a new productline 'PROJECTS OF THE FUTURE, POWERED BY LIFE INC.' In order to stress our ambitions to be prepared for the challenges of the future, Life Inc. is working internationally on popularising revolutionary ideas.
We at Life Inc. are ready to seize the time and hope that you are too! We've pre - launched the first 'project of the future' during the Metropolitan Move campaign in Belgium, as the most daring and innovative part of the whole project and noticed it's great succes.

By the end of october we will officially launch the first chapter of 'projects of the future' with UNDERGROUND CITYLIFE, in Belgium, from where it will be followed in Spain and Germany.

We serve you a quick preview on this new astonishing campaign, by Life Inc.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Remarkable start 'Metropolitan Move Leuven'

On the 13th of September a new Life Inc. campaign has been launched in the city of Leuven, Belgium. Once again Lfe Inc. poses a unique, but controversial statement. Your opinion is important! So don't hesitate to post your comment.

Several billboards where reveiled and numberous posters spread in the heart of the city. This new campaign is being tested out for the firts time and will be visible untill the end of November 2008.

Central info, free posters & a colorfull campaignguide are to be found in the public library 'Tweebronnen', rijschoolstraat 4, 3000 Leuven.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life Inc. presents: METROPOLITAN MOVE

In September Life Incorporated Belgium kicks off it's prestigious project 'Metropolitan Move'. The official opening of this grand scale & international oriƫntated promotion campaign takes place on the 13th of September in Leuven, BE.

For further information, keep an eye on the oficial website

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Naar aanleiding van 40 jaar Mei '68 kondigt Life Inc. een revolutionaire omwenteling aan in de wereld van productdesign en consumption. Life Inc.'s branded Revolution belichaamt de hedendaagse symbiose van jeugdig idealisme en de bloeiende ontwikkeling van de moderne samenleving. Revolutie op maat van de consument!
Life Inc.'s revolution is voor de eerste maal te zien in Brussel om en rond de expo 'la conquete du monde par l'image' meer info en nieuws op

Monday, May 12, 2008

Life Inc. at Young Artists!

Life Incorporated is proud to be invited to the contemporary art happening Young Artists - selected by Kathrin Ginsberg. We are showing a massive billboard, using the latest work of Boris Ljugov and launching the Imagine campaign. Imagine praises the marketabillity of the imagination and calls for the participating and visiting young emerging artists to start their incorporated career at life Inc!

Young Artists (selected by)

Botanical Garden K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Gent
Every tue,wed,thur, frid, sat,sunday from 13 th may till 8 june, from 10h till 18h

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

S.K.I Gent - Rots.Wol Expo

In het weekend van 29 februari tot 2 maart organiseert het Secundair Kunstinstituut (vroeger gekend onder de naam de Rodelijvekens), een evenementenweekend met werk van 83 ex-leerlingen die in de nationale en internationale kunstwereld actief zijn.

Daar zitten verrassend veel grote namen tussen (o.a. Felix van Groeningen, Herr Seele, Jan Van Imschoot, Pieter-Jan De Smet). Boris Ljugov studeerde er af in 2000 en brengt drie life Inc. affiches naar de expo.

Rots.Wol wordt een unieke gebeurtenis in het 35-jarig bestaan van het SKI met een indrukwekkende tentoonstelling en een spetterend luik live-evenementen. De ex-leerlingen krijgen de kans om het roer over te nemen in dit weekend en dat zal Gent geweten hebben!